Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Minnesota River Watershed Alliance fall meeting Oct. 22 at Turner Hall in New Ulm

Coalition for a Clean Minnesota River and New Ulm Area Sport Fishermen are co-hosting the fall meeting of the Minnesota River Watershed Alliance, Tuesday, Oct. 22 at Turner Hall in New Ulm. They will provide brats, buns, kraut, and soft drinks at 6 p.m.; all are invited to bring a side dish to share. The regular meeting will be at 7 p.m. The main topic of business will be an update on the Blueway nomination for the Minnesota River. The Turner Hall is located at 102 S. State St. The Turners originated in Germany in the early 1800s as a gymnastic society. Besides serving as physical education, social, political and cultural organizations for German immigrants, Turners were also active in the American public education and the labor movements (Wikipedia).
Thanks to our event sponsors!