August 12, 2014 Watershed Alliance Meeting Minutes
Minnesota River Watershed Alliance meeting notes
Aug. 12, 2014, Ridgewater College, Hutchinson
Although attendance was down on a nice summer evening, there
was good discussion of the upcoming regional meetings to review the June 19
Minnesota River Congress, leading up to a follow-up Congress on Oct. 30. The
development of the Congress raised the question of the Minnesota River
Watershed Alliance mission and its future activity. The Alliance is supportive
and hopes that the Congress is successful, as it may include many of the
initiatives outlined in the Alliance’s Blueway nomination for the Minnesota
A series of regional
meetings are scheduled to hear about and discuss the June 19 Minnesota River
Congress, leading up to the Oct. 30 congress in New Ulm. Regional meetings are
planned for 7 p.m. at the following dates and hosts. Everyone is welcome to
Sept. 10, Clean Up the River Environment,
Community Center, 550 1st
St. SW, Montevideo.
Sept. 11, Rural Advantage, Knights of Columbus
Hall, 920 E. 10th St., Fairmont.
Sept. 15, J.R. Brown Center, Henderson.
Sept. 16, Friends of the Minnesota Valley,
National Wildlife Refuge, Bloomington.
Sept. 17, Lower Sioux Community, Jackpot
There was some discussion of the Alliance mission and past
successes. It is neutral ground that creates a forum for organizations,
agencies, and individuals to discuss issues and make collective decisions. The
Congress could be a means of keeping the Alliance mission alive. There was also
discussion of the need for new membership on the Alliance steering committee
membership and need for a facilitator. The steering committee meets briefly in
person or by phone to guide Alliance activity and plan upcoming meetings. All
are welcome to participate. The Oct. 30 Minnesota River Congress will serve as
the regular fall meeting of the MRWA, and will provide an opportunity to learn
more about the Alliance steering committee.
Following a brief discussion of the Blueway project status,
Ted Suss agreed to contact Charlie Blair of the USFWS about the proposed
memorandum of understanding among the regional offices of federal agencies, to
pursue Blueway goals without formal federal designation. In the words of Mike
Lien, “we’re from the citizens and we’re here to help you.”
Other events and updates:
Patrick Moore reported that a Conservation Corps
crew cleared snags and strainers from the Pomme de Terre near Appleton, greatly
reducing hazards for paddlers.
Lee Sundmark reported a 46-pound flathead
catfish won the Franklin Catfish Derby. He said water clarity has improved in
High Island Lake, with a secci disk reading of about seven feet.
Aug. 21: Shakopee Creek headwaters picnic and
meeting about pilot project for the state-federal interagency study in the
Minnesota River basin, 4-7 p.m., Kandiyohi County Park 7 on Games Lake.
Aug. 25: LeSueur River Watershed Network
community potluck and meeting, 5:30 p.m., St. Olaf Lake Park, New Richland.
Aug. 29-30: Riverblast, Riverside Park, New Ulm.
Sept. 13: CURE – Minnesota River Clean-up,
Kinney’s Landing, 9 a.m.
Sept. 20: CURE – Mussels field day on the Pomme
de Terre with Bernie Sietman, 9 a.m.
Ted Suss, Friends of the Minnesota
Scott Sparlin, CCMR
Forrest Peterson, MPCA
Mike Lein, Carver County
Dee Czech, Minnesota Earth Sabbath
Chantill Kahler-Royer
Lee Sundmark, DNR
John Hickman, H2O videos
Franz Kitzberger
Brad Cobb
Patrick Moore
Duane Ninneman, CURE
Ariel Herrod, CURE
Glen Jacobson, CURE
Cheryl Landgren, CURE