Minnesota River Congress - 9/17/14 Lower Sioux Community Listening Session Raw Individual and Collective Table Responses
Minnesota River Congress
Lower Sioux Community Regional Listening Session
14 people in attendance
Question 1.
If a new basin wide
citizen led entity were to be formed, how could it best add value to current
localized efforts to protect and enhance natural resources, improve water
quality, or expand and diversify recreational use or appreciation of the
Minnesota River Watershed and its Tributaries?
Raw Individual Responses,
each bullet is an individual response.
DNR divest all
lands in the watershed. Turn over to
regional groups along the watershed under a no till, no tile covenant. Funds collected for wildlife preservation
should be turned over to groups. Groups
outside of government tend to do a greater job in protecting the environment
than government (a much better job) a better promotion of multiple uses.
Flood control a
high priority. Keep nutrients out of
well fields for water. Public utilities,
roads, bridges and stream bank erosion.
Provide education
opportunities for public forums/discussion.
Serve as an umbrella organization or connector between smaller
groups/more localized groups to work together and learn from each other.
What would a new
group bring to the table that is not already being made available by others?
Best use might be
a link to others. Is there an
information gap between groups?
Water issues are
local, why another layer of bureaucracy
A basin wide
entity could enhance communication between local groups and state, federal, and
tribal governments. The ability to share
ideas, information and identify and capitalize on partnerships and grants and
network within the basin. Identify
recreation trends and opportunities to improve/develop water recreation sites.
Permanent set
aside lands, wildlife and water improvement.
Citizen led with agency help.
Regional entities.
Faster more
collaboration among local government units/conservation entities. More partnerships get everyone working in the
same direction. Provide greater outreach
opportunities, more public involvement in planning efforts and water quality
projects. Potential for funding sources
for projects.
Very challenging
to find balance across the watershed. It
should be a 4 or 5 headed beast; recreation advocates, water advocates,
environmental advocates, cultural and historical advocates and all 37 counties.
Promote expanded
facilities/modernize. Access, camping,
toilets, water, trails.
The entity would
need to promote the “connection” to the watershed. It may be best served by working with younger
generations for long term efforts.
Question 2.
If a new Basin-wide
(Watershed Wide) citizen led entity was to be formed, what sorts of activities
should it undertake to add value to our current situation?
Raw individual responses,
each bullet represents an individual response.
Regulatory like a
county ditch system.
Education in
various formats. Monitor or make sure
someone else is monitoring well enough to document existing conditions and
I don’t know if
you could add value without taking value from others. Field days.
Do you have a group that doesn’t get reached by others?
Citizen group
overtaking land management of river watershed’s. Always keeping water quality, multiple use
activities up front.
Political voice
on issues affecting the basin. Connecting
basin communities to share information on past, current and upcoming
issues. Hosting regional meetings. Neutral platform. Local entities can mange info and programs
Promote use. Coordinate local to state
communications. Identify local projects.
Information and
educational resource. Quarterly
meetings. Incubator for innovation.
“Outside the box” thinking. Liaison to
county boards, state representatives and state senators. Build advocacy. Funding.
One possible
activity could be a periodic forum for the various Minnesota River groups to
meet together to learn from one another.
Regional entity
with accountability.
Education and
outreach. Data sharing. Fund raising or grant writing for smaller
entities to do water quality projects.
Question 3. If a new Watershed wide citizen-led entity
were to be formed, how could it best assist existing organizations, (NGO’s,
governing bodies) in achieving their goals?
Raw individual responses, each bullet
represents and individual response.
Grant writers? Conscience of the Minnesota River.
Serve as a
contact to organizations to provide information on issues affecting that
organizations focus. Long term planning
to drive focus of recreation opportunities.
Serve many, not just a few vocal people.
It depends on
what the existing organizations goals/needs are. If this entity is going to focus on helping
existing organizations, it needs to be flexible and willing to do what is
Money. Funding feasible projects.
Nothing unless a
radical paradigm shift takes place.
Every group would protect their position. The shift can only be pushed by mandate.
One role would be
to provide real world solutions as well as implications and ramifications from
new policies that government bodies propose.
So not a surprise when a practice doesn’t work on the ground.
publicize and facilitate the comprehensive watershed vision within the
watershed groups. Assist passionate
leaders with their local projects within the broader vision. Share the story, the vision, not only with
citizens but with the elected leaders.
Lobbying. Advocacy to legislature. Fundraising and grant writing. Provide greater citizen input in local
planning efforts by these organizations.
Provide education
as to the river conditions. People must
be aware to make a difference.
Lobby the
State. One voice. Promote programs down to local level.
Question 4. How should existing units of government,
State, and Federal agencies, NGO’s, other communities of interest such as agri-business,
businesses, farm organizations, be represented or involved in a new citizen-led
Raw individual responses,
each bullet represents and individual response.
If this entity is
board directed, citizens of the basin could vote for board members. If it is more open everyone in the basin gets
to vote.
Groups should be
reporting to a central clearing house and then reporting to citizens groups.
All entities
should be involved.
All are welcome,
like MRWA to be involved in general meetings.
Transparency. Share the
info. Voting 13 watersheds. Encourage collaboration. Extend communication. Encourage
leadership. Challenging.
We need all
entities, Citizens and Government.
People that want ownership. Must
not become too large.
We need voting to
make big decisions. Government units and
agencies involved in advisory/informational capacity. NGO’s and all other groups should be
involved. Citizen board with some
organization membership.
Represented by
those who show up. They need to make
their won priorities. Citizen led
feasible. Each group is a lobby group
and needs to represent the citizen group.
Too many groups directly involved.
If some group gets more representation it will dominate.
Question 5. Should a new inclusive basin wide (watershed
wide) citizen-led entity be formed it could accomplish the suggestions brought
forth tonight?
Raw individual responses,
each bullet represents and individual response.
Yes, but needs to
be citizen led, not agency led.
Yes, as a high
level promotional tool and coordinating hub.
Yes, need entity
that takes in the entire watershed, all 37 counties.
Yes, if many of
the details get worked out. Lot’s of
work to do on October 30th.
Need a clear direction, identity, role etc. Needs to have watershed /basin wide support.
Yes, because a
regional group that can promote and facilitate collaboration with the various
Minnesota River groups and organizations would be beneficial to the entire
Yes, if there can
be measured outcomes to improve the watershed.
Will local organizations fill gaps if this entity doesn’t evolve? Free market.
Yes, only if it
has the power as designated by the legislature.
Otherwise no power to address the issues.
What is the
charter and mission statement? If there is one then yes.
No, if we are
missing something we need to push other groups to new levels. Water issues are local.
Yes, if it has a
clear, focused mission. Not just “clean
water” and if it devises a way to and accomplishes truly being inclusive.
There were 9 yes with some
conditions and 1 no.
Question 1. Table
responses, each bullet represents one table response.
organization. Balance water quality and
sharing of information. Link groups
Question 2. Table
responses, each bullet represents one table response.
Is having another
entity going to add value?
Identify local
projects to promote including funding and grant opportunities. Support innovative projects by local groups. Provide info, publicize and share resources
and collaborate. Rally together.
Question 3. Table responses, each bullet represents one
table response.
points of consensus. Help drive long
term conversations.
Education and
outreach among entities and to citizens promoting programs and efforts. Lobbyist to state (one voice) liaison to
legislature. Agencies could bring
policies to entity. Citizen input and
planning. Publicizing overall
vision. Create passionate leaders.
Question 4. Table responses, each bullet represents one
table response.
Everyone involved
and all are welcome. Executive board.
Same as other
Question 5. Table responses, each bullet represents one
table response.
Yes. Basin Wide Collaboration. Citizen led. Facilitate collaboration. Clear direction.
Yes. If there are clear goals and power with the
legislature. One “no” at the table.
Ted’s notes at the session
Create a basin
wide dialogue about river issues (congress purpose)
Create a
Minnesota River Legislative Agenda (basis for Minnesota River Day at the
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