Minnesota River
Congress 3
Meeting Summary from
4-16-15 Session
New Ulm, MN Turner Hall
6:45P.M. to 8:45 P.M.
Official Meeting Time
The agenda
was presented, approved and the meeting started on time. It was noted that the “Networking Fair” was
once again a good success with much interaction, learning and awareness
accomplished by those with booths. A
statement of reflection and support from the Minnesota Earth Sabbath Team was
then shared with all the attendees.
Next, Natalie Warren with “Wild River Academy” gave a short presentation
on this year’s expedition being planned along the Minnesota River. She solicited support from the congress to
interact with those on the trip this year and provide learning opportunities
for the paddlers.
The first
order of official business was to review the outcomes from the first 2
congresses and the 6 basin-wide listening sessions. It was also noted that the agenda and
documents for the meeting, along with actions to be considered, were developed
by the Minnesota River Organizing Team after 4 in person meetings in Henderson
MN. The Organizing Team members in
attendance were asked to raise their hands and be recognized for their work. The review was presented by the Organization
Team appointed facilitator/coordinator Scott Sparlin. Questions and clarifications were then called
for and addressed.
Having no
further inquiry regarding prior sessions the meeting continued on to the first
action to be considered. The first
action under consideration was for future meetings ground rules and conduct
during sessions and related meetings. The ground rules were developed and
approved by the Minnesota River Congress Organizing Team to bring forward for
consideration and adoption by the full Congress. After ample time for review a motion was made
to approve the ground rules, seconded and having no further discussion was approved
The second
order of business to be considered for action on the agenda was the review of
the Functioning Ideals and Guiding Principles for the new entity as developed
and approved to bring forward to the full Minnesota River Congress by the
Organizing Team. After ample time for
review along with questions and some clarifications, a call for a motion was
made and seconded to approve the Functioning Ideals and Guiding Principles as
written, having no further discussion the motion was approved unanimously.
The next
order of business on the agenda was to review and vote on a mission/vision
statement. Two mission statement options
were developed, approved and brought forward to the full congress from the
Organization Team. After ballots were
handed out the full Congress, the vote to approve one was made to the following
(“To promote citizen participation from all communities of interest and take
cooperative action to protect, conserve and improve the Minnesota River System”). The statement was approved by a significant
majority of the participants.
On the
agenda next for consideration by the full congress was the call to prioritize
and rank purpose statements which had been developed by the Organizing
Team. A document with 10 organizational
purpose statements was passed out to participants. Tables were asked to rank each purpose statement
individually and then discuss as a table to come up with a possible consensus. It was explained that all ranking would be
tallied for examination and dissemination by the Organization team between now
and the next congress meeting in July. It
was then conveyed to the participants that the results of their ranking would
subsequently guide the Organization team in the development of direct actions
which will be up for consideration at the next meeting of the full congress in
July. It was also noted that the
Organization Team would carefully examine the responses and that the next full
congress would have ample opportunity to weigh in at the July session regarding
the purpose statement priorities and subsequent actions which will then be
Action Board
structure options ballots were handed out to all participants as well as a
draft organizational structure chart which were developed by the Organization
Team to be brought to this full congress session. An explanation of the chart and its operational
sequencing was explained. How the chart relates to those who are currently
engaged in Minnesota River System initiatives and actions was also presented by
the facilitator. It was also emphasized
that a Management Committee would be sought out in addition to the Action Board
which would consist of those with specialized talents relating to organizational
management. Questions and clarifications
were called for as the process went on.
Ballots were turned in after ample time for examination and further
clarifications. When the voting was
completed it was then noted that the Organization Team would take the outcome
of this voting and use it in the development of the final structure options. It was stated then that those options would
be then presented at the full congress meeting in July and potentially adopted
or possibly reconsidered for a late fall session.
Next steps
followed on the agenda which were explained and described and included
timelines. Participants were asked to be
thinking of people and groups to be represented and then begin to develop a
list of potential participants for the Action Board and/or the Management
Committee. It was noted that a
nomination process would be set up by the Organizing Team which would be voted
on by the full congress at the next meeting in July.
evaluation form was then distributed to all, forms were collected and will be
analyzed and comments from them will be shared in future communications. A preliminary assessment of the forms found
them to be very positive with productive input offered. We adjourned at 8:37 PM. There were 81 total attendee’s including
representations from throughout the entire river system. They included a very diverse set of interests
and ages from high school, college, middle age all the way up to those in