Participate in The 8th Minnesota River Congress!
Minnesota River System supporters from the entire basin are coming together for the next full session of the Minnesota River Congress being held in Redwood Falls on the 18th of May. Be sure to register today https://www.eventbrite. com/e/8th-minnesota-river-cong ress-tickets-32831354465)
WHO: Everyone who cares about an inviting inclusive citizen-led Minnesota River improvement movement and those willing to act to improve it.
WHAT: The 8th Minnesota River Congress will present the biggest issues regarding the entire river system. We will also explore the most significant things which have been accomplished, actions that are needed to improve conditions and how you can help.
4:30 PM until 6 PM Networking Fair New this session, 5-minute rotating presentations from organizations/agencies/busines ses who will have booth displays. New, a public comment suggestion box. Bring your materials and let’s catch up on each other’s work! (Booth fee per organization/agency is $30, register at:
5 P.M. Social Hr
6:00 Meal served
6:30 Opening remarks 25% reduction in pollution by 2020 Congress organizers, state legislators
7:00 The State of the River: Past, Present and Future
History of progress in the Minnesota River Basin Kim Musser, Water Resources Center, MSU, Mankato
Casein the Basin: What we have learned and what you need to know about water quality, pollutant sources, and delivery dynamics within the Basin, Pat Baskfield, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Doing Our Part: 4 Farmer Panel
(Warren Formo Moderator)
Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program
Collaborative for Sediment Source Reduction Karen Gran UMD,
Greater Blue Earth River Basin Alliance actions, Clark Lingbeek
CREP history and Its Future in the Minnesota River Basin, John Jaschke, Board of Water and Soil Resources
8:55 Adjourn
Cost: $20 per person. Young adults under 19 or with a college ID for free. Please make checks payable to CCMR (Coalition for a Clean Minnesota River)PO Box 488, New Ulm, MN 56073
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Scott Sparlin, 507-276-2280,