Thursday, January 31, 2013

Draft National Blueways System Pre-Proposal page 4

Some portions had to be shortened to meet page limitations. They will get added back in for the full proposal.

Capacity Profile of Nominating Partnership:  Describe capacity and resources of partnership:

·         Staffing: Existing- Part-time Planner, Acquisition Specialist, 1 intern, Steering Committee

              Needed – Full time Blueway Coordinator, 3 interns

·         Technical skills: Existing – Restoration and Management Specialists (DNR, TNC, USFWS),  
Monitoring Specialists (MPCA, SWCDs, WRC)

Needed – Part time GIS Specialist, Six person Conservation Corps Minnesota crew

·         Policy skills: Existing – MRB provides policy perspectives and guidance at the county and watershed level, numerous individuals in nonprofit, local government, state and federal entities that are members of the Alliance provide policy input as needed.

Needed – Legislative liaison at the state and federal level.

·         Socio-economic skills: Existing – Diverse Steering Committee provides guidance,

Needed – Half-time Communications specialist (Social Media), Volunteer Coordinator

·         Financial skills: Existing – An organization that is a member of the Alliance will provide financial skills.

The MRWA is comprised of organizations that have the potential capacity to fill the needed staffing.