Excerpt from River Currents February 2015 Newsletter
Excerpt from MPCA's River Currents February 2015 Newsletter:
Committee prepares for next step of Minnesota River basin organization
A group
of volunteers met Tuesday, Jan. 27 at the Henderson Community Center to begin
working on organizing principles, studying summaries of the previous two
Minnesota River congress events, and drafting mission and vision statements
for a Minnesota River organization. These will be developed as recommendations
for discussion and voting at a third congress in late March or early April.
More than 20 people from various
organizations and interests volunteered to serve on an organizing team.
At the Jan. 27 meeting they worked on crafting mission and vision
statements that embody the purpose of a basin-wide organization. They also
favored a name change, such as Minnesota River Council. The organizing team
will meet again in February at Henderson. Final decisions will be made by all
participants at the next full congress meeting.
Organizers believe there’s a need for a
citizen-led entity that is inviting and all inclusive for the many different
groups active in the Minnesota River Valley, including agriculture, industry,
natural resources, recreation, economic development, tourism, all levels of
government, faith communities, first nations, and watershed organizations.
Top actions and initiatives identified at the congress meeting included:
Political action or lobbying, conservation actions, communication, and
education. For more information, contact Scott Sparlin, 507-276-2280, yasure@lycos.com;
or Ted Suss, (507)
828-3377, tedsuss@gmail.com.
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