5th Minnesota River Congress Summary
5th Minnesota River
(93 Individual Participants)
Co-Sponsors of the 5th Minnesota River
Congress included Friends of the Minnesota Valley, Lake Pepin Legacy Alliance,
Minnesota Agricultural Water Resources Center, The University of Minnesota
Extension Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships, The New Ulm Area Sport
Fishermen, The Mankato Paddling and Outings Club, Minnesota DNR, Minnesota PCA,
The Minnesota Earth Sabbath Team, Clean Up our River Environment, Wild River
Academy, Joseph R. Brown Center, Rural Advantage, The Lower Minnesota River
Watershed District, Friends of Pool #2, The Minnesota River Watershed Alliance
and Minnesota State University Mankato Water Resources Center
The 5th Minnesota River Congress officially
opened in New Ulm Minnesota on Thursday November 12th beginning at 4
PM with a networking fair. The networking fair included 14 interest groups from
all parts of the basin and was very well attended. The participating
interest groups included, The Minnesota Agricultural Water Resources Center,
Friends of Pool 2, Friends of High Island, The Coalition for a Clean Minnesota
River, Clean Up our River Environment, MNDNR, MPCA, The New Ulm Area Sport
Fishermen, Mankato Paddling and Outings Club, Agricultural Drainage Management
Coalition, Rural Advantage, Joseph R. Brown Center, LeSueur River Watershed
Project and The Lower Minnesota River Watershed District.
Two presentations were given prior to the beginning of
the business session. The first was given by Wild River Academy on their
“Paddle Forward” expedition which took place on the Minnesota River this past
fall. The trip was taken in canoes the entire stretch of the river. It gave
participants a heightened awareness to its beauty and importance to residents
and visitors. All the paddlers came away with a different perspective at
the end of their journey than when they began. The next presentation was
given by Discovery Farms, a project sponsored by the Minnesota Agricultural
Resources Center. Data was shared from 5 locations where precipitation
and surface water runoff from varying field conditions has been
collected. The data collected suggests that field runoff contains less
than what was expected in amounts of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and sediment
runoff. The study and collection continues and there were several
questions on methodology of data collection and clarifications were offered.
Next a brief history on the modern day Minnesota River
improvement movement was given by Scott Sparlin. Some highlights of the
past 25 years of activity with regards to efforts designed to improve
conditions in the river were presented in sequential order. He then
outlined the historical creation of the Minnesota River Congress over the past
two and a half years. Including the 1st thru 5th
congresses, Organization Team meetings and 6 basin wide listening sessions
ultimately arriving at the present.
The business then continued with distribution of Action
Board applications with a solicitation to apply if so moved.
Relevant documents were then distributed which had been
developed from previous congresses and approved by vote. The documents
included were, meetings ground rules, mission statement, prioritized purpose
statements, functioning ideals and guiding principles, Minnesota River Congress
organizational chart, Action Board structure description, roles and
responsibilities of Action Board members, roles and responsibilities of Management
Committee and application form to the Action Board.
Participants were asked to further review both Action
Board and Management Committee rules and responsibilities.
Next a Minnesota River interest survey was
distributed. Participants were encouraged to fill out the survey by
identifying their most specific area of interest. Then they were asked to
identify if they were willing to lead or participate in a interest support
network team. 64 surveys were filled out and collected. It was
explained that contact would be made and teams of interest would be assembled
for various actions using the surveys. The idea of a substantial
volunteer force of willing help in various areas of interest was presented and
well received. These interest networks will be able to interact with the
Action Board to gain additional support from the entire congress.
Participants were encouraged to have others fill out surveys and tell others
about this particular coordinated aspect of the Minnesota River Congress.
Next each Action Board member application was read aloud.
After review by the full congress, the floor was then
turned over to the nominating committee of Linda Meschke, Mark Dittrich, and
Ron Bolduan who were previously selected by the Organization Team as the
nominating committee. All 19 applications were approved
unanimously. The list of new Action Board members includes, Jessie
Shaffer, Bryce Hoppie, Forrest Peterson, Bob Finley, Greg Genz, James and Mary
Stone, Louis Knieper, Paul “Gus” Davis, Skip Wright, Lee Ganske /Joanne
Boettcher, Jeff Nielsen, Drew Campbell, Rylee Main, Ted Suss, Scott Tedrick,
Nancy Spooner Mueller, Brian Hicks, Mark Bosacker and Jessica Nelson
The last order of business was to consider the
endorsement of a Minnesota River Commission Bill. This order of business
was a carry over from the 4th Minnesota River Congress at which time
it had been tabled for further review. Since that time congress
participants had been given an opportunity to review the bill in its current
form. A presentation was then given by Linda Loomis and Ron Harnack of
the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District and questions were fielded.
After thorough discussion participants were asked to vote by ballot. A
three answer vote was offered, they consisted of a no vote to not endorse the
bill, a yes vote to endorse the bill and a yes with conditions for the ability
provide input for potential changes. The vote was a yes with conditions
and overall yes by a substantial margin over no votes. It stands as an
endorsement of the bill with the ability to modify after further review and
consultations among Congress participants and others.
Next Steps were presented which
included contact with interest network survey participants. It was noted
that the next full congress would be most likely in late February or March and
that the newly elected Action Board would be meeting the second week of
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